Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fear or Faith

Gigi asked us what were the fears we have that prevent us from living by faith.

At first my mind was blank and I couldn't think of any outstanding fear that I really had (Although I had a brief thought of my friend who has a fear of not getting married. Hehe). Thereafter I thought of a couple.

One would be actually the fear of failure. Actually even though I went ahead to apply for medical school, I was actually quite fearful that I would not get in since I didn't get accepted when I applied for MBBS during the undergraduate admission years ago! However, no point troubling myself over such things so I went ahead. But I guess it's a real fear. What if we have failed before and never dared to try again?

Anyway for those who haven't received the news yet, I'm no longer on the waitlist. Ok la. I recieved an offer letter from Med school liao so I'll be starting in end July =)
May I jump in to give my testimony then. Because at the very start I had told God (and also many others) that it would be a miracle if I got acceptance that year because I handed in my admission exam results so late. So... it's God's miracle brothers and sisters.

Next fear would be the fear of man. Actually being a cell leader really means well... leading people. And I've actually told others before that I don't really know how to be a cell leader (shhh... don't let any of my cell members know this), and I'm also afraid... what if my cellmates think that I'm a bogus leader??? But I really feel very encouraged by how supportive everyone is. Yes thank you very much for all your support =) Thank you for believing in me and because of you I really feel more confident =) Ok anyway, the aftermath of it was that... sometimes satan place (or myself with my poor self-esteem for leadership) such thoughts to one's mind... which really immobilizes myself from stepping into God's purposes. And God's purposes aren't even for just myself. It affects everyone else too. If I don't pour out my life to others, then they wouldn't be able to receive it. I remember someone once said (Shirley? Pastor Janice?) that someone else can take up the role that God has asked us to have. But they will NEVER be able to fulfil it the same way we would have if we have taken it up.

So well. Thank God for the fustrations. But thank you Lord even more for the breakthroughs. I mean. breakthroughs are like... just a relief man =)

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