Sunday, July 5, 2009

Purposeful Waiting

Shi Pei mentioned in her post of knowing someone who's fearful of not getting married. Is very real as I happened to meet someone today.

All of us will go through similar process in our life. After getting our education, we'll work and pursue a career. Along the way, we will search, pray for a life partner. Settle down and have a family...etc. What if finding the right life partner is being delayed or it never comes?? One will end up being very frustrated, disappointed and probably fill with bitterness.

'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the LORD. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.' Isaiah 55:8-9

Can we trust that GOD has a better plan for us? Are we able to submit all our plans to HIM? To accept any outcome even if it is not according to our desire?

Instead of complaining and fill with disappointment during the time of waiting, I reckon one should let GOD do the preparation work! GOD will not give his son or his daughter to someone who's not ready to take care of him or her. Nor will GOD want us to receive someone who is not ready for us. GOD loves us and He does not want HIS children to get hurt to the extend we can't accept. Hence sometimes, we have to wait.

During the time of waiting, it has to be purposeful. It should be a time of preparation. How?? Do the works of GOD! Serve in ministry, commit to pray, SP someone, tithing. All these, are part of preparation. If one can't serve in GOD's house, how sure can he/she serve in the family? If one can't commit to pray. What will happen to the family if it is not covered in prayers? SP someone is just like parenting.... Tithing is liked providing for the family. When all these become a lifestyle, it will just flow and blend in easily as you take up the role of a husband or wife, father or mother. So, let GOD do the preparation work in us!!

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